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Japanese Garden

The Japanese garden in Tashkent was built in 2001, on the basis of an initiative between the Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan and the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investment, and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the Uzexpocentre. The Japanese garden is organically integrated with the natural and climatic environment of city.

The Japanese garden in Tashkent, like all Japanese gardens, contains a philosophical-ethical concept of the universe in miniature, and has an ennobling effect upon world of the human soul via the beauty of nature. Here, natural beauty is skillfully emphasized by the artistic-expressive means of Japanese landscape art. The Japanese garden became a venue of various cultural events as well.

Japanese Garden-is a symbol of Uzbek-Japanese friendship. Very comfortable and peaceful park, where you can get wonderful rest and to get acquainted with Japanese culture.

You can download some pictures from here => japanese.rar

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